Origin Story

100k squared: Helping one hundred thousand social & enviro entrepreneurs help one hundred thousand customers each.

That is why we exist. I say “WE” because this journey and vision is not going to be achieved by only me. I am the facilitator of what I hope will become a thriving community of switched-on and savvy entrepreneurs biting at the bit to change the world. 

Every journey has to start somewhere, with a single step taken by a single person. You are now witness to the first step. I’m sure as this community grows we will figure out the best ways to achieve and drive this vision. This organisation will follow the principles of Lean Start-up and Design Thinking. For now, to put a stake in the ground and start to deliver value, we will be delivering it through: 

  • One on One thinking partner sessions 

  • Entrepreneurship accelerator coaching programs 

  • Sales enablement 

  • Consulting 

The underlying philosophy of all interactions with 100K2 is that of value creation. If there was no value created during the interaction with me, then I will gladly return your fees, and we can move on with a gentleman's handshake. We hold value creation, authenticity, ethics, and vision close as guiding principles. So we ask the following questions of the things that we do:

  • Does it benefit everyone involved 

  • Does it hold to “its and your” purpose

  • Would we be proud to tell our mothers about it

  • Will it change our part of the world for the better  

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, do reach out for a conversation. This could be the first step to making a real difference, to the world, and to your life. 

  • Do you have an idea that will improve the lives of the people in this world?

  • Do you have an idea that will improve the state of the planet? 

  • Do you have a product or service that improves the lives of the people in this world, or the state of this planet but need to build a viable business around it but don't know how? 

  • You have a business and a product or service that is making the world a better place but you are stuck and need some assistance?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I hope to hear from you. Remember, that first step has to be taken alone, but the next ones don't have to be.